The Journey of Progressive Sanctification
In a world obsessed with instant results, discover why God intentionally designed your spiritual growth to be an imperfect journey rather than an immediate transformation.
I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
In a world obsessed with instant results, discover why God intentionally designed your spiritual growth to be an imperfect journey rather than an immediate transformation.
Reading the Bible can be hard. Here's how to get started.
The church might be the most underrated and under-appreciated way to grow spiritually.
Discover how to transform your prayer life from a daily struggle into a profound, joy-filled conversation with a Father who deeply cares about every detail of your life.
Reading the Bible consistently will transform your life. Here's how to get started.
During Christmas, protect your spiritual well-being by managing your time wisely and staying focused on Jesus.
In the latest episode of the Gospel for Life podcast, Myles Holmes and Darryl Dash discuss how Jonathan Edwards combined physical health practices—such as diet, sleep, and exercise—with spiritual discipline, stressing the need to honor God with our bodies without being legalistic.
Discover the profound reality of being spiritually united with Christ, using the metaphor of being "home" with God.
Daniel Im discusses the increasing spiritual openness among younger generations, urging the church to adapt its discipleship and leadership strategies in a post-everything world.
In the latest Gospel for Life podcast, host Darryl Dash and guest Karl Vaters talk about the importance of shifting focus from numerical growth in churches.
Where we've been, and where we're going