Podcast · · 2 min read

Heart and Habits with Dr. Greg Gifford

Dr. Greg Gifford talks about the role of habits in the Christian life.

Heart & Habits

Many people talk about the importance of habits in the Christian life. But is this topic just a fad? Or do habits help us grow to be more like Christ?

In his book Heart & Habits, Dr. Greg Gifford helps us understand habits from a biblical, historic, and theological perspective. He also helps us learn how to develop habits God’s way.

Greg Gifford

It was my privilege to talk to Dr. Gifford in the latest episode of the Gospel for Life podcast.

Key Ideas


“Frequent obedience is something that God uses to help transform the desires or the heart.”

“What you regularly practice will shape or misshape the type of person that you become, which is your character.”

“The number one purpose for habits is not efficiency and productivity … It’s glorifying God and the good of people.”

“The Church is very much central to habit formation because it’s central to spiritual formation.”

“I found that the people that would invest themselves into the process of developing Godly habits were those that often grew the fastest.”

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