Christmas is a season filled with joy and celebration, yet it can also be a time of stress and distraction. Many of us find ourselves caught in the whirlwind of activities, from shopping for gifts to attending numerous social gatherings. We will likely encounter distractions like consumerism, pressure to buy gifts, social commitments, family issues, and financial stress. It's no surprise that many people find Christmas challenging.
Amidst this busyness and stress, maintaining our spiritual health can become a challenge. We often stop practicing our spiritual disciplines just as our busyness and stress increase.
But it doesn't have to be this way. How can we not only survive the Christmas season but also thrive spiritually as believers?
Keep Control of Your Schedule
When life gets busy, it’s important to remember that you have some control over your schedule. Don’t live by the demands of others. Protect the time you need to focus on what matters most.
One time, I complained to someone about my life. "Darryl," he asked, "have you lost control of your schedule?" I had to admit that I had. This question helped me realize that I didn't have to live this way. I could take back some control of the commitments I was making.
One effective way to combat these distractions is by setting appropriate boundaries. It's essential to learn how to say no and live our lives by design, not by default. Reflect on your schedule and identify areas where you might lose control during the holiday season. Consider how you can regain some of that control and ensure that you are making time for what truly matters in your life.
Focus on the Basics
To maintain spiritual health, it's vital to focus on the core habits that matter most. In my book How to Grow, I discuss three core habits that every believer should cultivate at every stage, no matter how busy: engaging with the Word of God, spending time in prayer, and participating in the life of the church.
These habits are foundational and should be pursued consistently, regardless of the season. People who grow spiritually follow these habits, while those who get stuck stop doing them.
Ask yourself how you can protect these practices during Christmas. When life gets busy, reduce the time spent on these habits, but keep practicing them.
What steps can you take to ensure you have adequate time in God's Word, regular prayer, and meaningful church involvement? Keep things simple, but maintain these habits even during Christmas. Set a realistic plan to keep practicing the core habits in your life, even when your life gets busy.
Remember the True Meaning of Christmas
Amidst the festivities and celebrations, it's crucial to keep in mind the real reason for Christmas: Jesus. Christmas is a celebration of Christ's birth and the incredible steps God took to save us through Jesus. Reflect on the wonder of God's love and the amazing fact that Jesus became human to save us.
This Christmas, many things will vie for your attention, but what we all need most is to keep our focus on Jesus. Ask God to make your heart happy in Jesus and in the truths of the gospel this Christmas. Read the stories with awe. Marvel that Jesus left heaven for his Father's glory and for our salvation.
Christmas will still probably be busy and stressful, but taking these three steps can help. Manage your time wisely, practice key spiritual disciplines, and rekindle your awe for the gospel.
Amid the distractions, take the time to love those around you and share Christ's hope. Embrace the simplicity of the gospel and let it guide your actions and interactions. Pray for spiritual renewal and a deeper connection with the Savior who came to save us.
Stay focused on Christ by following these steps to maintain your spiritual health during the busy Christmas season.
May this Christmas be a time of growth and reflection, as you celebrate the birth of our Savior and the incredible love he has for his people. Don't let the busyness and stress rob you of the realities of the gospel that are ours because Jesus came to earth.