Latest — page 2
Faithfully Present
Adam Ramsey teaches us how to live each day fully and faithfully present with God and with others, content in every season of life.
Want to Grow? Pay Attention to These Three Things.
Want to grow? Pay attention to these three dimensions of your life.
Taking No for an Answer
Blake Long wants to help you respond when God says no to your prayers.
Eyes Wide Open Into the Beautiful Truths That We've Been Given
We recover the wonder of the amazing truths that God has entrusted to us.
In Good Time with Jen Pollock Michel
We need more than productivity hacks. We need a new relationship with time.
Earth Filled With Heaven
Christians from a low-church background do not have to be afraid of liturgy.
Sing Loud, Die Happy
Jim Thompson wants you to see the importance of singing in the Christian life.
The Body and the Christian Life with Charlene Dash
Caring for our bodies is part of the Christian life.
Gospel-Centered Discipleship with Jonathan Dodson
Jonathan Dodson talks about the gospel and discipleship within the church.
Discipleship in the Local Church with Jamie Strickland
Jamie Strickland talks about leading discipleship in the context of a local church.